LIberty Security

GardaWorld Elite Ambassador Program

What does it take to be an Ambassador?

Being an Ambassador is quite simple. All that is required is spreading the news that Gardaworld now offers home and small business Security. Whether it is a friend, family member or neighbour, you can benefit from opening your mouth and asking if they would like a free no obligation quote! Everytime one of them is installed you’ll receive $100 plus participate in exclusive incentives and competitions with the Ambassador team. You will have the chance to show you are Elite by winning trips and other prizes.

Don’t worry about not knowing what to say. The more you ask people if they would like a free quote the easier it will become. Our experienced Sales team will provide your contacts with a no pressure quote to provide them information on the latest technology in securing their homes.

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Who are the best candidates for alarms?
Anyone that owns a property or small business! Nowadays with all the technology available people purchase alarms to make their lives easier by connecting all their home automation. People invest in an alarm for the insurance savings and of course they add an alarm to their property to keep them safe and have peace of mind.
Submit a Referral

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Do you want to be part of building your work culture?

Do you want to work with people you already know and trust?
If you know anyone that would be a good candidate for guard services, Sales, Alarm installation, or any other Garda employee position be the first to recommend them through the Grow Garda form and earn $250 after their probationary period of 400 hours is completed. Plus participate in exclusive incentives and competitions with the Ambassador team. You will have the chance to show you are Elite by winning trips and other prizes.

# First Name Last Name


Qualifications to be part of GardaWorld’s Elite Ambassador program:
  • Fill out application form and be approved by leadership
  • Minimum of 6 referrals per quarter
  • Engaged and participate with monthly updates and competitions